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Using Affirmations for Optimal Health, Wellness & Weight Loss


Many of us put ourselves down for any real or imagined error. We grow up believing certain things about ourselves or comparing ourselves negatively to others.

Affirmations are positive statements aimed at supporting our goals and outcomes we want for our life. By repeating affirmations over and over, the mind gradually replaces old self-images and beliefs that are contrary to the new, desirable belief. Image if you said to yourself “Regardless of what I do, I just can’t lose weight?” Hmmmm….and our thoughts create our reality. If you repeat a potential truth enough, then you will replace the old reality. This is powerful stuff!

There are many different ways and techniques that you can use to incorporate affirmations into your daily life for positive change!

Listed below are sample affirmations that might work for those struggling with weight, stress, health and sleep issues. From this list or those you create on our worksheet, select four to six affirmations that have special relevance for you. Write them on two 3×5 cards and keep one at work and one at home. Repeat your affirmations at least three times a day. Let each affirmation thoroughly sink in before you read the next.

Sample Affirmations:

  • I enjoy the taste of healthy foods and have an aversion to processed foods that are harmful to my body.
  • I enjoy physical activities that are good for my body: walking, dancing, strength training, even house and lawn work.
  • I set a good example for the rest of my family by making healthy meals.
  • When I set my mind to do something- I do it!
  • I look forward to calming my body and mind when it is time for rest.
  • A good night’s sleep restores my body and spirit and makes me a healthier, stronger person.
  • I have discipline and make healthy choices concerning my health and diet.
  • I will age powerfully.
  • I make things happen by listing my priorities and tackling the most important first.
  • I will not clutter my mind with negative thoughts about myself or other people.
  • I love the taste and nutrients that fresh vegetables and fruits provide to my body

Affirmation Techniques

Many of the negative images that disrupt our lives have been built up over numerous years.  Rather than expect instant results, we must be patient with ourselves and be determined to stick by our affirmations with honesty, trust, and belief, and results will start to happen!

Exercise Technique

Very nice for active people and for many health related goals

Repeat your affirmations while exercising. (Such as, “I am strong” or “I am really improving” and so on.) Soon they will become a part of your thought process. Repeating these affirmations becomes self-fulfilling since you will have more fun and see results. Because of the positive effects, we will have a tendency to “stick” with the program and maybe work even harder.

Meditation Technique

Look for divine inspiration while repeating your affirmation

Sit quietly and ask God for insights, help and guidance. Then quietly repeat your affirmation for 10-15 minutes. Sit quietly for 5 minutes afterwards for any insights.

Writing Technique

This technique is called “Giving the problem to Spirit”

Many people have used this technique to change their lives. Simply sit down at a table and write what you would like in your life 15 times every day. An example is: “I am healthy, happy, strong and in control of my food choices”. When you are done know that God is taking care of it. Some people will take that writing and tuck it into a revered place, such as their Bible, or some other place of respect. Don’t just toss it into a junk drawer. That means that you are disrespectful of your thoughts.

Trash Can Technique

Good for getting rid of negative thoughts.

Whenever you find something you don’t like, write it down and throw it into the trash. By doing this, you are telling the universe, I want to be done with this problem, please help me work through this and be done with it. (Be sure to replace them with positive thoughts and affirmations).

A related technique to the trash can is the “burning bowl” ceremony. Write two lists. One is for all the thoughts and personal traits that you want to get rid of. The other is for positive thoughts and traits that will fill the vacuum created by the departing negative thoughts. Then light a fire in the bowl and put the bad list in, and tell the world that you release these thoughts. (Be careful with the fire)

Anywhere Technique

For whenever you catch yourself thinking something negative.

Hear the phrase you said diminishing in volume until it disappears, then hear the phrase you want to say grow louder. Alternately, you can see the “picture” of what you don’t like go spin away from you and have the picture of what you do want spin towards you. In this way we lessen the importance of the negative thought and give greater importance to the positive thought.


St. Francis Sleep, Allergy & Lung Institute
802 North Belcher Road
Clearwater, FL 33765
Phone: 727-447-3000
Fax: 727-210-4600

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